IOC-FAO Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algae Blooms (IPHAB)
The Sixteenth Session of the IPHAB was held 27-29 March 2023 at FAO Headquarters in Rome.
Previous sessions:
The Fifteenth Session of the IPHAB was held 23-25 March 2021. Details.
The Fourteenth Session of the IPHAB was held 24-26 April 2019. Details.
The Thirteenth Session of the IPHAB was held 3-5 May 2017. Details.
The Twelfth Session of IPHAB was held 28-30 April 2015. Details.
The Eleventh Session of IPHAB was held 28-30 April 2013. Details.
The Tenth Session of IPHAB was held 12-14 April 2011. Details.
The Ninth Session of IPHAB was held 22-24 April 2009. Details.
The Eighth Session of IPHAB was held 17-20 April 2007. Details.
The Seventh Session of IPHAB was held 16-18 March 2005. Details.
The Sixth Session of the Panel was held 17-19 October 2002. Details.
The Fifth Session of the Panel was held 22-24 November 1999. Details.
IPHAB Chair and Vice-Chair:
Chair: Philipp Hess, French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Seas (IFREMER), Head of Research Unit Physiology and Toxins of Harmful Algal Blooms, FRANCE, Email:
Vice-Chair: Maggie Broadwater, ECOHAB Program Manager NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/Competitive Research Program, USA, E-mail:

IPHAB-XIII, from left to right: Newly elected Chair Dr. R. Magnien, outgoing Chair Dr. L. Guzman, newly elected Vice-Chair Dr. G. Usup.

The Chair of IOC, Dr. D. Pugh (left) and the Executive Secretary IOC, Mr. P. Bernal (right), giving the ‘Bruun Memorial Medal’ to Dr. D.M. Anderson following his presentation of the 2005 Bruun Memorial Lecture to the IOC Assembly, UNESCO, 27 June 2005. This Memorial Lecture is given every second year by scientists who have significantly contributed to the understanding of the oceans and the marine environment. Dr. Anderson had been a leading scientist in HAB research for the past two decades.

Adriana Zingone (Italy) and Rhodora Azanza (The Philippines), leaving IPHAB Chair and Vice-Chair, are thanked at the end of the 6th IPHAB meeting held before the 10th ICHA Conference, St Pete, Florida, 2002.