IOC Network on Harmful Algae in North Africa

IOC- HANA IV: Fourth workshop on harmful Algal Blooms in North Africa

Online Meeting Alexandria, Egypt 15 March 2021. Hosted by UNESCO/IOC.

Click for the summary report.        

IOC-HANA IV: Online Meeting Alexandria, Egypt 15 March 2021

IOC-HANA III: Casablanca 5-7 December 2011

IOC-HANA II: Alexandria 7-9 November 2009

The establishment of the HANA network was originally proposed by Prof. Youssef Halim (Egypt) in his capacity as the lead behind an “IOC-AECI-NAUTA-IEO-COPEMED-INSTM Regional Training Course on Harmful Algae” held at the Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, 1-12 December 2003 in Salambo, Tunisia. The participants of the Training Course agreed on the HANA Declaration. HANA was subsequently endorsed as one of the regional networks of the IOC Intergovernmental Panel for Harmful Algal Blooms (IPHAB) at its seventh session in March 2005. Prof Halim served as the first Chair of HANA from 2007 to 2011.

The HANA region has considerable marine resources consisting among others of fish and shellfish mariculture and tourism. Economic losses are due to harmful blooms caused by the proliferation of a variety of species belonging to the bacillariophyceae, the cyanophyceae, the dinophyceae, the cryptophyceae and the prasinophyceae. In this region more than elsewhere knowledge about the processes driving the incidence of such blooms is far from satisfactory. Reports on HABs are scattered and often result from unassisted individual efforts. HANA will contribute to capacity building and encourage the exchange of information with the aim of creating a continuously updated data and metadata-base. Three types of information are being collected and will be made available at the HANA site:

1) The incidence of HABs, the species involved and the concomitant environmental conditions
2) The personnel involved, their areas of specialization and their level of expertise
3) The relevant regional publications.

The data base comprises, so far, a list of more than 150 publications. A provisional list of harmful, potentially harmful and red tide-producing species has been compiled from the publications and from the reports received. Distribution maps of the species and of the outbreaks have been attempted, although large gaps remain.
With the assistance of IOC, HANA will work towards further enhancing the research capabilities in the region. Advanced training workshops will be organized and a digital identification guide to the harmful species of the region will be developed. Working groups will bring together scientists and managers for exchange of information and experience and for updating their knowledge. Some selected scientists will be given the opportunity to interact with the international scientific community by attending relevant meetings and conferences.
Further progress towards the implementation of HANA objectives will be achieved through intra-regional cooperation in one or more Pilot Projects supported by IOC.

The database is compiled by Dr. Amany Ismael, Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Science, Alexandria 21511, Egypt. Contact: amany_3@yahoo.com
The HANA site is designed by Dr. Essam Abdel Mawla, NIOF, Anfoushy, Alexandria, esmawla@link.com. HANA Logo is designed by El-Madani Faid, Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (INRH), Morocco elmadanifaid@hotmail.com

HANA Bureau
HANA Chair: Prof. Amany Ismael (Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt)

HANA Vice Chair: Prof. Asma Hamza (INSTEM, Salambo, Tunisia)
National Coordinators:

Egypt: Fathy El-Zayat

Tunisia: Malika Bel Hassan

Morocco: Reqia Sagou


The HANA Declaration, the report of HANA 2007 Meeting, the List of Participants and Abstracts are available in the ‘HANA Documents Section’.


Hassina ILLOUL


Amany Abdel Hamid M. ISMAEL

Samia Kamel Mikhail Hanna

Tarek Abu Bakr Gamal

Muhammad Mosaad Ibrahim Hegazi


Dr.Manal K.Khalaf



Mohammed fraikech



Laila Tahri Joutei

Btissam Ennaffah


Turki Souad



Name/Nom: ILLOUL Hassina

Profession: Professor-Researcher

Profession: (ex. responsable de gestion ou chercheur scientifique ou..

Institution: ISMAL :Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral Institution

Addresse, Fax, Tel., email :

PB 19, Campus Universitaire Bois des Cars, Dely Ibrahim,16320 Alger.

Fax 213 21 91 77 91, Tel 213 21 91 89 08

email : illoha@yahoo.fr

Degrees/Degres obtenus: magister in biological oceanology

General expertise: marine biology

Expertise generale: (ex.biologie ou chimie ou gestion .. ) Speciality phytoplancton taxonomy, monitoring Specialite (ex. toxines ou phytoplancton ou surveillance ou ..)

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with/ Organismes toxiques ou nocifs concernes: Gymnodinium catenatum

Years of experience with HABs/toxins/Annees d’experience avec les HAB ou les toxines: : since 2002 in the ICM- CSIC of Barcelona, Spain

Where worked: Algerian, Catalan and Baleares coasts Sites

Regional/International programme participation/Partcipation aux programmes regionaux / internationaux: Monitoring of Baleares Islands

Languages/Langues: Arabic, French, Spanish, English

Citizenship/Nationalite: Algerian


Sala, M.M., Balagué, V., Pedrós-Alió, C., Massana, R., Felipe, J., Arin, L., Illoul, H., Estrada, M. 2005. Phylogenetic and functional diversity of bacterioplankton during Alexandrium spp. blooms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 54: 257-267.

>Presentations to meetings:

 Illoul, H., Masó, M., Figueroa, R.I. 2004. Gymnodinium catenatum in Algiers waters (SW Mediterranean sea). 11th International Congress on Harmful Algae. Cape Town, South Africa.

Illoul, H., Morales-Blake, A., Fortuño, J-M., Cros, L. 2003. A Calyptrosphaera sphaeroidea bloom in Algiers waters (SW Mediterranean). II Plankton Symposium. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Sala, M. M., Balagué, V., Pedrós-Alió, C., Massana, R., Felipe, J., Arin, L., Illoul, H., Estrada, M. 2005. Phylogenetic and functional diversity of bacterioplankton during toxic dinoflagellate blooms. ASLO Summer Meeting. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Sala, M.M., Felipe, J., Balagué, V., Brussaard, C.P.D., Illoul, H., Arin, L., Calbet, A., Vaqué, D. 2003. Biological control and effect on the microbial community of two Alexandrium spp. blooms in the Catalan coast. EUROHAB cluster workshop. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Illoul, H., Masó, M., Figueroa, R.I. and Van Lenning, K. (2005). “Detection of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum (Graham,1943) in Algerian waters (SW Mediterranean Sea).” Harmful Algae News 29: 10-12. 

Egypt :

Name: Amany Abdel Hamid M. ISMAEL

Profession: Assistant Prof.

Institution: Oceanography Dept. Faculty of Science, Alexandria University

Addresse: Oceanography Dept. Faculty of Science, Alexandria
University, Alexandria, 21511, Egypt

Fax: (203) 5457611

Tel: (203) 5910142

e-mail: amany_3@yahoo.com

Degrees: Ph. D.

General expertise:Biology, ecology, taxonomy of dinoflagellates

Speciality: Ecological and systematical studies of phytoplankton; dinoflagellates in
semi-closed, polluted waters.

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: Alexandrium minutum, Amphidinium carterae,
Ostreopsis sp.

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: since 1989.

Where worked: Alexandria waters, Gulf of Suez

Regional/International programme participation:

Languages: Arabic, English

Citizenship: Egyptian



Name: Samia Kamel Mikhail Hanna

Profession: AssociateProfessor

Institution: National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – Alexandria Egypt.

Addresse: National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – Kayet Bey – Anfoshi- Alexandria, Egypt.

Fax: +20 3 4801174

Tel: +20 34807138

e-mail: Skm_hanna@hotmail.com

Degrees: Ph.D Alexandria University, Egypt.

General expertise: Marine algae

Speciality: Phytoplankton (Ecology, Taxonomy, Red tid blooms and toxic spp.)

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: Since 1997


Name: Tarek Abu Bakr Gamal

Profession: Environmental Researcher

Institution: Red Sea Marine Parks

Addresse:P.O. Box 363, Hurghada, Egypt

Fax: +20653445981

Tel: +20105767713

e-mail: tgamal@redseapark.org

Degrees: BSC. General chemistry

General expertise: analytical chemistry

Speciality: monitoring for water quality and marine resources

Years of experience with HABs/toxins:


Name:Muhammad Mosaad Ibrahim Hegazi

Profession: Lecturer

Institution: Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt



Tel: 020 12 4511163

e-mail: hegazi16054@yahoo.com


– B.Sc. in Marine Biology, May 1986, Grade Excellent with honour.
– M.Sc. in Marine Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 1992.
– Diploma in Lakes development, Murcia University, Spain, 1995.
– Ph.D. in Marine Science, Murcia University, Spain, 1999, Excellent with honour.

General expertise: Marine Plants – Photosynthetic Pigments – HPLC

Speciality: Surveillance du Phytoplancton toxique

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with:

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: Two years

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:

Languages: Arabic – English – Spanish

Citizenship: Egyptian


Name: Dr.Manal K.Khalaf

Profession: Marine pollution Specialist

Institution: Marine Biology Research Center-Tajura-Libya & The Vocational
Marine Fishery Center-Sabrata-Libya

Addresse: Marine Biology Research Center-Tajura-Libya & The Vocational
Marine Fishery Center-Sabrata-Libya

Fax: +218 21 3690002

Tel: +218 092 5695532

e-mail: manalkamil@yahoo.com

Degrees: Ph.D. Marine Pollution(1997) University of Basrah-IRAQ

General expertise: Marine Pollution, Nutrient Chemistry, automation analysis for nutrient,
water chemistry,HPLC analysis.

Speciality:Nutrient and Marine BioToxin

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: in the beginning stage


Name: Mme TAGMOUTI Fouzia

Profession: Professeur de l’enseignement supérieur (chercheur scientifique).

Institution: Faculté de médecine de Casablanca 19 Rue Tarik Bnou Zyad Casablanca, Maroc

Addresse:76,Rue mohamed Smiha Casablanca

Fax: 212 22 302109

Tel: 212 22 302109

e-mail: ftagmouti@hotmail.com

Degrees: Thèse d’Etat de l’enseignement supérieur (éq: PhD)

General expertise: Biochimie,Toxicologie

Speciality: phycotoxines

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: ciguatoxines CTX, saxitoxines STX, toxines diarrhéiques DTX

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: depuis 1984

Where worked: sites de prélévements nationaux (Maroc) et internationaux (Antilles Françaises:StBarthélémy)

Regional/International programme participation:

Languages: Français, anglais(moyen), arabe (moyen)

Citizenship: Marocaine




Institution: Institut National de recherche halieutique 2, Rue de tiznit, Casablanca Maroc.




e-mail: mfraikech2000@yahoo.fr

Degrees: Doctorant Biologiste

General expertise:

Speciality: phytoplancton

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: Dinophysis, Alexandrium, Pseudo-Ntiszchia , Gymnodinium catenatum

Years of experience with HABs/toxins:6 ans

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:


Citizenship: Marocaine


Name: Faid EL MADANI

Profession: Phytoplanctonologiste

Institution: Institut National de Recherche Halieutique

Addresse: Centre Régional de l’INRH, 13 Bd Zerktouni, Nador – Maroc

Fax: 00 212 56 60 38 28

Tel: 00 212 56 33 12 51

e-mail: elmadani@inrhnador.gov.ma


Degrees: Doctorat de troisième Cycle

General expertise: biologie

Speciality: phytoplancton et surveillance

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 7 ans

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:


Citizenship: Marocaine

Morocco :



Institution: Universite Caddi Ayyad, faculte des sciences Semlalia Marrakech

Addresse: Avenue Moulay Abdellah B.P 23 90 . Departement de biologie laboratoire de la bilogie et biotechnologie des microorgasimes.

Fax: +212 44 43 74 12

Tel: +212 44 43 46 49

e-mail: Oudra@ucam.ac.ma / Oudas02@yahoo.frCyano_bo@lycos.com

Degrees: DOCTORAT D’ETAT ( PhD équivalent)

General expertise:BIOLOGIE

Speciality: Phytoplancton des Eaux Douces

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: CYANOBACTERIES – CYANOTOXINES

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 11 ANS

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:

Langues: Arabe, Français, Anglais, Portugais

Citizenship: Marocaine


Name: Laila Tahri Joutei

Profession: Chef du Laboratoire d’Efflorescences Nuisibles

Institution: Institut National de Recherche Halieutique

Addresse: 2, rue de Tiznit. BP 21000. Casablanca Maroc

Fax: (212) 2 26 69 67


e-mail: ljoutei@yahoo.fr / tahri@inrh.org.ma


1995 : Ingénieur d’Etat en Agronomie Option Halieutique de l’Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II à Rabat .
2002 :Ingénieur en Chef
2006 :Doctorat és Sciences Agronomiques de l’Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II à Rabat


General expertise: Biologie

Speciality: Ecologie, taxonomie et Etude des kystes des Dinoflagellés toxiques

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: Gymnodinium catenatum, Alexandrium et Dinophysis

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 14 années

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:

Languages:Arabe, Français et Anglais

Citizenship: Marocaine


Name:Btissam Ennaffah

Profession: Chercheur scientifique et responsable de Gestion, chef de la station de surveillace de la salubrité du littoral, basée à Oualidia

Institution: Institut national de Recherche Halieutique

Addresse: Institut National de Recherche Halieutique, Station de Oualidia, Quartier Administratif Oualidia, Province d’EL Jadida, Maroc

Fax: 0021223366901

Tel: 0021223366037

e-mail: e-btissam@mailcity.com / ennaffah@yahoo.fr

Degrees:Ph D

General expertise: Biologie

Speciality: Surveillance du Phytoplancton toxique

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: les Dinophysis, Gymnodiniales, les Pseudo-nitzschia

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 4 ans

Where worked: La côte atlantique et Mediterranenne Marocaine

Regional/International programme participation: Programme Régionale de la surveillance des efflorescences nuisibles Membre de l’IPHAB/représentant du Maroc à L’IPHAB

Languages:Français, Anglais

Citizenship: Marocaine


Name: Turki Souad

Profession: Research scientist

Institution: Institut National des Sciences et technologies de la Mer

Addresse: INSTM / Centre la Goulette, port de pêche. 2060 La Goulette. Tunisie.

Fax: +216 71 735 848

Tel: +216 71 735 848

e-mail: Souad.turki@instm.rnrt.tn

Degrees: Ph.D

General expertise: Biology

Speciality:Monitoring harmful microalgae

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with:

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 10 years

Where worked:

Regional/International programme participation:


Citizenship: Tunisienne



Profession: Enseignante Chercheur

Institution: Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie

Addresse: 43, Avenue Charles Nicolle. 1082, Tunis, TUNISIE

Fax: 00 216 71 799 391

Tel: 00 216 71 289 431 00 216 71 287 110 (poste 158)

e-mail: dalyyahya.ons@inat.agrinet.tn / onsdaly@yahoo.fr


* Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A.)/ Spécialité: Biologie Marine et Océanographie./ Date: 1993
* Thèse de Doctorat. / Spécialité: Biologie. / Date: 1998.
* Diplôme d’Habilitation Universitaire à la Recherche en 2001

General expertise: Biologie, Ecologie

Speciality: Taxonomie et écologie du phytoplancton

Toxic/Noxious organisms worked with: Alexandrium, Dinophysis, Prorocentrum, Gymnodinium

Years of experience with HABs/toxins: 14 ans

Where worked: Côtes tunisiennes (Baie de Tunis, Lagune de Bou Grara, Lagune de Ghar El Melh, Lac Sud et Nord de Tunis, Lagune de Bizerte)

Regional/International programme participation:

Languages: Français ; Anglais ; Arabe

Citizenship: Tunisienne

HANA Documents

HANA Publications (updated 27.06.19)


Amany A. Ismael. Harmful Algae in the Egyptian Mediterranean Waters 2024.

Abdalla, R.R., Halim, Y., Gergis, W.L., Assad, F.N. 1992. Phytoplankton Diversity in the Oligotrophic Waters West of Alexandria (Egypt). Bull. Nat. Inst. Ocean. Fish., A.R.E, 18: 73-84.

Al-Handhal, A.Y. 1979. Systematic and ecological study of planktonic and benthic diatoms of the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. M.Sc. Thesis, Fac. Sc., Alexandria University, 100 pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Amin, A.S. 2001. Distribution pattern of freshwater algae and their toxins in raw and municipal water in Port- Said province. Ph.D Thesis Fac. Sc., Suez Canal University, 157 pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Dorgham, M.M. 1985. Distribution of phytoplankton in spring along the Suez Canal. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit., 29(9): 123-124.

Dorgham, M.M. 1990. The winter phytoplankton of the north Suez Canal, January 1990. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit., 32: 121-125.

Dorgham, M.M.1997. Phytoplankton dynamics and ecology in a polluted area on the Alexandria Mediterranean coast. In: Proc. 3rd International Conference on Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Qawra, Malta, Vol.1: 151- 160.

Dorgham, M.M.2011. Eutrophication problems in Egypt. In: Eutrophication: causes, consequences and control. A.A. Ansari et al. (eds.). Springer Press: pp. 171-194.

Dorgham, M.M., Osman, M.M.1987. Environmental conditions in Abu Kir Bay, II- Plankton distribution, downstream from land based effluent. Chemosphere, 16(2/3) : 559-564.

Dorgham, M.M., EL-Samra, M.I., Mostafa, Th. 1987. Phytoplankton in an area of multi-polluting factors, west of Alexandria, Egypt. Qatar Univ. Sci. Bull., 7: 393-419

Dorgham, M.M., Abdel-Aziz, N.E., ElDeeb, K.Z., Okbah, M.A. 2004. Eutrophication problem in the Western Harbour of Alexandria, Egypt. Oceanologia, 46(1): 1-20.

Dowidar, N.M. 1974a. The phytoplankton of the Mediterranean waters of Egypt. Bull.Inst. Oceanogr. Fish.. A.R.E., 4: 321-344.

Dowidar, N.M. 1974b. The phytoplankton of the Mediterranean waters of Egypt. I. A check list of the species recorded. Bull. Inst. Ocean. Fish. A.R.E. 4: 320-344.

Gharib, S.M., Dorgham, M.M. 2000. Weekly structure and abundance of phytoplankton in Boughaz El-Maadiya, Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish. 4(2): 183- 210.

El-Maghraby, A.M., Halim, Y. 1965. A quantitative and qualitative study of the plankton of Alexandria waters. Hydrobiol. 25 (1-2): 221-238.

El- Sherif, Z., Mikhail, S. K. 2003. Phytoplankton dynamics in the southwestern part of Abu Qir Bay, Alexandria, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Biol. Fish., 7 (1): 219- 239.

Halim, Y. 1955. Note sur Peridinium tregouboffi n. sp. (Dinoflagellé). Bull. Inst. Océanogr. Monaco 1056:1- 7.

Halim, Y. 1960. Étude Quantitative et Qualitative du Cycle Écologique des Dinoflagellés dans les eaux de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Ann. Inst. Océanogr.,38 (2): 124-232, 5 Planches.

Halim, Y., 1960. Alexandrium minutum n. gen., n. sp. Dinoflagellé provocant des “eaux rouges”. Vie Milieu, 11 (1): 102-105.

Halim, Y., 1960. Observations on the Nile Bloom of phytoplankton in the Mediterranean. J. Conseil, 26 (I): 57-67.

Halim, Y., 1963. Microplankton des eaux égyptiennes. Le genre Ceratium Schrank (Dinoflagellés). P.-v. Réun. Comm. Int. Explor. Mer Méditerr. 17 (2) : 495-502.

Halim, Y., 1965. Microplankton des eaux égyptiennes. II. Chrysomonadines, Ebriediens et dinoflagellés, nouveaux ou d’intérêt biogéographique. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cornm. int. Explor. Mer Méditerr. 18 (2): 373-379.

Halim, Y., 1965. Observations on Mediterranean Dinoflagellates. Cons. Inter. Perm. Explor. Mer, Comite du Plancton, Communication 136. Rome, 1965.

Halim, Y., 1969. Plankton of the Red Sea. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 7: 231-275.

Halim, Y., 1969. On Gessnerium mochimaensis Halim. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 54 (4): 619.

Halim, Y., 1970. Microplancton des eaux égyptiennes. III. Espèces indo-pacifiques ou érythréennes a l’extrême nord du Canal de Suez. P.-v. Réun. Commn int. Explor. scient. Mer Méditerr. Journées Étud, Planctonol. Monaco, pp. 57- 59.

Halim, Y, 1976. Marine Biological Studies in Egyptian Mediterranean waters. A Review. Acta Adriatica, Vol. 18 (2): 31-38.

Halim, Y., 1983. Plankton of the Red Sea and the .Arabian Gulf. In: Marine Science of the North-West Indian Ocean and Adjacent waters. Deep-Sea Research, Sp. issue, Vol. 31 Nos 6 to 8 198-i. p 969-982.

Halim, Y., 1990. On the Potential Migration of Indo-Pacific Plankton through the Suez Canal. Bull. Inst. Océanogr., Monaco, no. special 7: 11-27.

Halim, Y. 2007. First IOC/HANA Workshop on Harmful Algal Blooms in North Africa. Harmful Algae News 35: 1-2.

Halim, Y., Guerguess, S. K., Saleh, H.H. 1967.Hydrographic conditions and plankton in the South East Mediterranean during the last normal Nile flood (1964). Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 52 (2): 401-425.

Halim, Y., Ismael, A. 2004. Phytoplankton of the Gulf of Suez and the effect of Ballast water. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 37.

Halim, Y., Ismael, A.A., Khalil, A.N. 2000. Dinoflagellates from two different basins in the coastal waters of Alexandria. In: Balopoulos, E. Th., Chronis, G. Th., and Oliounine, I. (Eds) International conference. Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins. Zappeion international conference Centre, Athens, Greece, 23 to 26 February 1999. Research in Enclosed Seas Series, 8. EC: Brussel. Abstracts, Session VII, p. 368, 471.

Halim, Y., Khalil, A.G., Al-Handhal, Y. 1980. The diatom flora of a eutrophic bay, the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. Acta Adriatica, 21 (2): 271- 298.

Halim, Y., Labib, W. 1996. First recorded toxic Alexandrium minutum Halim bloom. Harmful Algae News 14: 2-3.

Halim, Y., Morcos, S.A. 1966. Le rôle des particules en suspension dans l’eau du Nil en crue dans la répartition des sels nutritifs au large de ses embouchures. Rapp. Comm. Mer Medit. 18: 733-736.

Halim, Y., Samaan, A., Zaghloul, F.A. 1976. Estuarine Plankton of the Nile and the Effect of Freshwater. Phytoplankton. In: Fresh water on the sea. S. Skreslet, R., Leinbo, JBL Matthews and E. Sakshaug (eds.). The Association of Norwegian Oceanographers, Oslo, pp. 153-164.

Halim, Y., Sultan, H.A. and Samaan, A.A., 1982. Effect of Aswan High-Dam on the phytoplankton standing crop around Alexandria. XXVIII Congress and Plenary Assembly. ICSEM. Cannes, December, 2-11, 1982.

Hassan, A. K. 1972. Systematic and ecological study of the dinoflagellates in the area of Alexandria. M.Sc. Thesis, Fac. Sc., Alexandria University, 316 pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Hussein, A.R. 1994. Eutrophication in the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. M.Sc. Thesis, Fac. Sc., Alexandria University, 303 pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Ismael, A.A.1993. The ecological distribution of planktonic dinoflagellates along the Coastal waters of Alexandria. M.Sc., Alexandria University. 119pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Ismael, A.A.1998. Dinoflagellates of Abu Qir Bay in relation to Pollution, Ph.D., Alexandria Univ. 162pp. (Unpublished manuscript).

Ismael, A.A. 2003. Succession of heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates as well as autotrophic microplankton in the harbour of Alexandria, Egypt. J. Plankton Res. 25 (2): 193-202.

Ismael, A.A. 2005. Phytoplankton of the Gulf of Suez and the effect of ship traffic. J. Egypt. Acad. Soc. Environ. Develop. (D- Environmental Studies), 6(1):75-92.

Ismael, A.A., Abdel Aziz, N. 2003. Selective grazing on phytoplankton. Mar. Life Vol. 13(1-2):21-30.

Ismael, A.A., Dorgham, M.M. 2003. Ecological indices as a tool for assessing pollution in El-Dekhaila Harbour (Alexandria, Egypt). Oceanologia, 45(1): 121-131.

Ismael, A.A., Halim, Y. 2001. Occurrence and Succession of potentially Harmful Phytoplankton species in the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria. In: G.M. Hallegraeff, S.I. Blackburn, C.J. Bolch and R.J. Lewis (eds.), Harmful Algal Bloom 2000. IOC of UNESCO, Paris: 141-144.

Ismael, A.A., Halim, Y. 2006. First record of Ostreopsis spp.in Egyptian waters with a description of O. mediterraneus n.sp. Abstracts of the 12th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-8 September 2006.

Ismael A.A., Halim, Y. 2008. Coastal engineering and harmful Algal Blooms along Alexandria Coast, Egypt. Abstracts of the 13th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Hong Kong, 3-7 November 2008.

Ismael, A.A., Halim, Y. 2010. Fish Mortality associated with benthic Oscillatoria spp. blooms in Alexandria – Egypt. Abstracts of the 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Crete, Greece, 1-5 November 2010.

Ismael, A.A., Halim, Y., Khalil, A. 2000. Optimum growth conditions for Amphidinium carterae Hulbert from eutrophic waters in Alexandria and its potential toxicity in Artemia salina. Grana, vol.38.

Ismael, A.A., Khadr, A.M. 2003. Alexandrium minutum cysts from the sediment cores of the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria, Egypt. Oceanologia, 45(4).

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  1. List of species
  2. Distribution maps
  3. Events

  1. List of Species
Dinophyceae Location
Alexandrium catenella Egypt, Morocco
Alexandrium minutum Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia
Alexandrium ostenfeldii Egypt
Alexandrium tamarense Tunisia
Dinophysis acuminata Morocco
Dinophysis caudata Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia
Dinophysis sacculus Morocco, Tunisia
Gymnodinium catenatum Morocco
Gyrodinium aureolum Tunisia
Gyrodinium impudicum Tunisia
Karenia mikimotoi Egypt, Tunisia
Lingulodinium polyedra Morocco
Noctiluca scintillans Morocco, Tunisia
Ostreopsis siamensis Tunisia
Prorocentrum micans Egypt, Tunisia
Prorocentrum minimum Egypt
Prorocentrum triestinum Egypt
Peridinium quinquecorne Egypt, Tunisia
Scrippsiella trochoidea Egypt
Bacillariophyceae Location
Cerataulina pelagica Egypt
Cylindrotheca closterium Egypt
Chaetoceros socialis Egypt
Guinardia delicatula Egypt
Leptocylindrus minimus Egypt
Pseudo-nitzschia cf. delicatissima Morocco
Pseudo-nitzschia pungens Egypt
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Morocco
Skeletonema costatum Egypt
Raphidophyceae Location
Chattonella cf. antiqua Egypt
Cyanophyceae Location
Anabaena spp. Egypt
Microcystis aeruginosa Morocco
Planktothrix (Oscillatoria) spp. Egypt
Spiraulina spp. Egypt
Prymnesiophytes Location
Prymnesium parvum Morocco
  1. Distribution Maps:

The following distribution maps were drawn by Zingone et al. (2004) in the frame work of ISSHA (International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae) project HAB-MAP. They provide an overview of the distribution of toxic and non-toxic harmful species along both northern and southern Mediterranean coasts.

  1. Events
Alexandrium catenella Microcystis aeruginosa
Alexandrium minutum Noctiluca scintillans
Alexandrium ostenfeldii Ostreopsis siamensis
Alexandrium tamarense Planktothrix (Oscillatoris) spp.
Anabaena spp. Prorocentrum micans
Cerataulina pelagica Prorocentrum minimum
Chaetoceros socialis Prorocentrum triestinum
Chattonella cf. antiqua Peridinium quinquecorne
Cylindrotheca closterium Pseudo-nitzschia pungens
Dinophysis caudata Pseudo-nitzschia cf. delicatissima
Dinophysis acuminata Prymnesium parvum
Dinophysis saculus Pseudonitzschia spp.
Gyrodinium aureolum Scrippsiella trochoidea
Guinardia delicatula Spirulina spp.
Gymnodinium catenatum Skeletonema costatum
Gyrodinium impudicum
Karenia mikimotoi
Leptocylidrus minimus
Lingulodinium polyedra